


Written by Jamie

Burrito Bomb

By Ned Broderick

Tragedy struck Palomino Creek on the 4th of September as a bomb went off, next to the building across the gas station. Multiple persons suffered lighter injuries, while the ones with almost fatal ones, Ren Smith and James Patrick, were taken care of on scene and immediately hospitalized. All of this happened fairly quickly just after 9 AM.

The purpose of this vile move is still unknown. Majority of Palomino Creek's inhabitants were shaken up that day, physically and emotionally, as there was no reason for all of this to happen. An anonymous tip-off was given by a caller, suggesting this was some sort of racist message. If this is truly the reason, the SASP will look into it, but for now there is no evidence confirming or negating this.




One of the San Andreas State Police officers gave the following statement of the scenario:
"A masked man was seen leaving the black Burrito, leaving it behind, parked next to the building.
A few moments later it was detonated from a distance,shaking up half the town. The police, EMT's and the
FD were all called immediately to the scene. We are currently investigating as to who did this and what their
intentions were. The road should be clear in the period of one or two hours, but the damages done today, 
to those humans is irreparable. We will catch the  culprit behind this and his sentence will not be light,
that's for sure."
Kudos to our forces on all the great work they do, risking their lives to save ours. The images show bravery,
calmness and control over a situation that isn't your everyday car crash.
© SANews Network 1959-2016


Academy #38 Recruitment

Written by Jamie

San Andreas State Police Recruitment - Academy #38

Dear citizens of San Andreas,

Recruitment for Academy batch #38 has been opened and we are welcoming anyone who wishes to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. We are look for young, dedicated members who wish to follow a long-term career and go down one of our many careers paths. A career with use brings many benefits such as;

  • Discounts in local businesses
  • Discounts on fuel
  • Clothing allowance
  • Firearm allowance
  • Weapons License (When training is completed)
  • A rewarding career

If you are interested in applying please visit our website and fill out an application form, and we hope to see you at Academy 38.



Colonel Mark Cambridge
High Command
San Andreas State Police



Written by Kemp

Academy #37 Graduation Ceremony


Dear employees and citizens of San Andreas,

The graduation ceremony will be held this Sunday at 18:00GMT+1 (( OOC time))  for our most recent Academy Batch students, Academy Batch #37. This will give us the opportunity for the Probationary Troopers who have successfully completed their Field Training Stage to be sworn in as fully-fledged State Troopers - a viewing which is open to the public and families of law enforcement officers to come and view. The ceremony will start at approximately 18:00GMT+1 at Blackfield College, on Sunday 4th September, and is expected to last around 30-40 minutes. There will be an after-party at the State Police's official licensed bar, The Precinct in Fort Carson.

  • There will be a bus at Montgomery Main Street at approximately 17:45GMT+1, leaving at 17:50GMT+1 for the Blackfield College. There will be seating and refreshments on-site for all civilians wanting to watch.
  • All Probationary Troopers and serving field Troopers who wish to attend should be in the Dillimore Precinct's Roll Call Room for 17:30GMT+1 for a Sergeant to call the register.

I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday to celebrate this special occasion. As always, any concerns or queries can be forwarded to my secretary by clicking here.

Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Kemp
High Command Team


Written by Kemp



The Royal Charity Virgo Giveaway
Jenna K. Hulscher

The Royal Trust Fund

The Royal Trust Fund is a young charity organization helping many residents of the state of San Andreas back onto their feet financially, along with assisting in schooling and healthcare. It's founder, Emma Royal, partnered with the San Andreas News Network in an effort to spread the word of charity drives and giveaways. By this, the organization hoped to achieve a greater public awareness of their cause and generous services to poverty-stricken individuals.

On August 16th, The Royal Trust Fund announced a giveaway of a Virgo to the neediest plea. Within a short while, a small assembly of poverty-stricken individuals made their way to the event outside the Fort Carson Cluckin' Bell. Before the giveaway was fully initiated, as well, the organization received a heart-felt anonymous donation of $40,000 for the cause.

Once the giveaway had begun, each individual explained their reasoning for their need for the car and/or the pecuniary charity. After Ms. Royal considered everyone's pleas, she came to her conclusion, gladly signing off the Virgo to the winner. Alongside this. a total of $60,000 - $20,000 to each selected recipient - Ms. Royal paying the last $20,000 out of her own pocket in a gracious display of character.


State Police Donation

Once the generosity starts - it's hard to stop! Just shortly after the event, Superintendent Evans of the San Andreas State Police donated a shocking $250,000 on the behalf of the department to The Royal Trust Fund. As proud service men and women of the public, the State Police donated in an effort to help prevent those of lower financial classes from turning to crime to help pay the bills by proving they still have an honest chance in life to make someone out of themselves! This generous donation will be used to assist anyone in need of financial assistance, may it be to pay hospital bills or keep the heat on for their family. The Royal Trust Fund is, needless to say, very grateful of the generous donation by State Police.


Superintendent Evans poses with Ms. Royal with the generous donation on the behalf of the San Andreas State Police.

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